
  • Junning Fan
  • Ruofei Huang
  • Renhao Huang
  • Kah May Tan
  • Daniel Wu


An AR/sensor fusion based photo sharing and recommendation service. Users can share images on this service. When taking photos, the service will record metadata including orientation, time, location and weather. When a user is at scenic spots, photos taken at that spot, at similar hours, weather condition and orientation will be recommended for the user, which helps them to compose their photo.

Primary Language

  • Frontend: Android Java
  • Backend: GO


1. User Profile

  • Update user details & View other users’ profiles
    • Photos
    • Followers
    • Followings
    • Follow and unfollow behaviour (if other users’ profile)
  • Notification page
    • Get notification on who followed or liked/unliked/commented on the post.

2. Navigation

  • Map (Google Maps API, Google Distances API)
  • AR View and Navigation(ARcore, Arcore-location API)

3. Photo Recommendation/View

  • Like/ Dislike
  • Comment
  • Location, Coordinates
  • Data and Time
  • Photo
  • Photo title
  • Photo Description
  • Weather
  • Tags